Wednesday, January 16, 2008


What is morality?
What is good and what is bad?
Is there anything good or bad?
Is there any virtue in bing what people call good?
Is there anything bad or condemnable in being bad?
Is there any price that we pay for being bad?

These are some of the questions that have perplexed and confused my mind ever since i started my journey on the path to spiritual and hence essentially total enlightenment.

Every religion,preacher,sect,teacher has laid stress on the fact that good deeds are the foundation of all good fruits.
My reading of various philosophers and preachers has brought to my notice this very thing.

But the one thing that still doesn't seem clear to me is the unphilosophical and illogical approach taken by these people when they explain,if they do,as to what is definitely good and what is bad?
Is good bad a matter of opinion or is it something fundamental like mortal life.


Thinking on various issues is the root cause of human misery.
Thus never think.
If you have to think , think with a detached mind,because whatever you will think can never affect you or for that matter anybody else.
Try to be a follower of insticts rather than logic.This will save you a lot of thinking.In any case,either you follow logic or instincts the result will be the same.

Thinking in any other way will attach you unneccesarily to worldy tempatations.
What you need are emotions without tempations.
Thinking is surely one of the most injurious activites with respect to our health, in the way we do it.
Thinking makes us needlessly confused and perplexed in our life.
Life is not complex.Once a man learns to think disinterestedly,which he will after he realises that nothing,nobody,no cheme,no planning can affect his fortunes,he will see that life is simple,almost unbelievably;specially when he compares it with his past notions of life.
Any philosophy which potrays life as complex is fllacious and useless.When viewed with wisdom life is the simplest thing a man can encounter.
If ,But,Why,WHERE,When,HGW these all are the root causes of man's sufferring if he does not employ them in a detached thinking approach.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

On Coincidentalism.

What is Coincidentalism?

What is randomness? what is philosophy?what is religion?what is God?
This blog will try to discover the meaning of all these concepts.
As an introduction I will like to say that Coincidentalism is my philosophy of life.
I don't wan't to leave my religion , but the moment I say iam a coincidentalist , Iam movingaway from religion.
Coincidentalism is a philosophy of the ultimate truth about life.
A Coincidenatlist can be an atheist,a believer,an agnostic c&c.
Acoincidenatlist has no contradictions in life. There are in fact very few contradictions in the philosophy of coincidentalism.
Like Hinduism it has the unique ability to justify everything and everyone.
It is neither a philosophy of absolutism or relativity and yet it has both these thoughts in it's rudimentary foundations.

When indeed you reach a higher stage in it you will reali9se that it is a philosophy free of any rules.There are no rules in it. This infact is the essence of coincidentalism.

The more i think about life the more it appeals to me. Coincidentalism is the philosophy of believing that everything is a coincidence.
What has happenned was a coincidence.
What will happen will be due to some coincidence.
everything you have achieved or not achieved has been due to the collission of infinite coincidences ,each having it's own origin and cause in another coincidence ,to suach an extent that the human mind cannot in his present stae find the ultimate coincidence that resulted in the happenning or not happenning of an event.
It is better for him to assume that everything whicch is happenning is beacause it was destined,as in any casehe cannot control what will happen. Because evrtyhting that happens is because of a mere coincidence.

Coincidentalism is thus in some way quite similar to Fatalism. THey both say the same thing but state quite different reasons for it.

Life is a coincidence.
It is just the result of a random combination of elements.
There is no order to things only coincidence.

what was there before life or the world are the questions we will now try to investigate at leisure,i.e. if the coincidence we belive in aloows us to.

In fact this where we will establish the universality of Coincidentalism.